In Haines Alaska this is a good time to be on hold. A great time to turn off the TV, computer and phone, and ignore all the bad news. In Haines, Spring is the most exciting time of the year, when everything begins to emerge. The days are getting longer and the sun is feeling stronger. The bears are making an appearance on local beaches and their prints are left in the sand at low tide. The hooligan and herring return to spawn and this is followed by a large explosion of sea birds, marine mammals and whales. This is the time of the season when we can ride our bikes or drive out the roads that line the sides of the rivers and fjords to watch it all happen, close up, before our eyes. The sights, smells and sounds of Spring in Haines make this my favorite place to be in the world. This Spring, all we have to do is wait and watch.
Spring Whales
Apr 11, 2020